Lydd Watersports - Events 2016 - Dates to be Confirmed
Easter - 27th March
With Easter very early this year we thought we would use it as a start to the Season get together. A great day for all the younger members followed by a BBQ in the evening.
St George's Day - 23rd April
The very popular St Georges Day Dinner is back on for 2016, a great evening to celebrate St Georges Day and get together with other members early in the Season
Working Party Day - 11th June
Your club needs your help, this is the first working day for 2016. In preparation for the Summer Fete we have a number of jobs which we would like to get done. The full list of jobs will be emailed out one week before the event.
Saturday 25th June
In true British Style we thought we would have a fete this year.
Sticky Wall (Velcro Suits), Bungee Run, Pop-Corn, Candy Floss, BBQ, Smash the Crockery Stall and much more look out for the poster in the Clubhouse. Please bring your aunts, uncles family and friends for a typical British Fete to be held on the water front. Some water based activities to encourage everybody to get wet will also be taking place.
Club Competition - 27th August
The Club Competition returns in 2016, all the usual events with lots of opportunity for the younger members to get involved and have a go at the many disciplines available down at LWSC.
Halloween - Saturday 29th October
The Halloween Dinner will be held in the Club House on Saturday29th October, more details will follow nearer the time. Fancy Dress is always a great evening for lots of laughs with all your fellow members.
Club Dinner & Dance 2017
We would like to organise a Club Dinner Dance early in 2017 February / March.
Events details to be confirmed and tickets to be sold in the summer.